
(940) 289-4558
1902 E State Highway 36, Abilene, TX 79602


As more drug rehab centers open around the country due to the increased number of people who need help with substance abuse addiction, it is important to look for specific components that have been shown to be particularly effective in beating addiction. Here are the most successful substance abuse treatment facility services you can find at drug rehab center in Abilene, Texas if you are seeking professional assistance.


Detox monitoring

Not everyone who is interested in addiction facility treatment needs detox supervision. Some clients have already detoxed on their own or in a previous program. However, those that need to eliminate drugs and alcohol from their bodies can do so through drug detox clinic that provides safe oversight for clients who need to go through this phase of rehab. Detox is a serious step that sometimes results in side effects of withdrawal. Some effects can be serious and require professional assistance. Here to help you through this critical stage as you begin the recovery process.


Treatment planning

Although substance abuse treatment facility in Abilene offers a well-organized, effective schedule of activities, work closely with each client to develop a personalized plan of action that best fits with your lifestyle, health, and other important needs. A thorough assessment will be conducted to determine the best course of action for your specific needs, and your input will be solicited to ensure you are comfortable with the proposed treatment plan. Any underlying health concerns like a mental health disorder or depression will be addressed in a dual diagnostic approach, along with your overall health. Sometimes family members are included in certain aspects of treatment. Goal is to provide a holistic approach for your recovery to ensure the highest rate of success in meeting your rehab goals.


Therapeutic treatment

Working with a therapist in Abilene addiction recovery program, you will have the opportunity to delve into your past and evaluate the source of contributing issues. You will also explore current aspects of your life that may be contributing to an addictive lifestyle. Stimuli, called “triggers,” that prompt you to use addictive substances will be identified and analyzed to see if they can be avoided in everyday activities to prevent relapse. You will also be encouraged to reflect on your thoughts and feelings about addiction and recovery to become equipped with effective tools for completing successful addiction recovery during treatment.



Many people who become addicted to substances have a limited social circle, many of whom are also using addictive substances. Some clients have a well-rounded circle of friends, but they need more supportive persons in their lives for encouragement and accountability. At drug rehab facility in Abilene, structure activities that encourage clients to get acquainted with others on the path to recovery. Clients can also enjoy fun things to do that help make treatment not exclusively serious or stern at addiction treatment facility in Abilene. This often provides socialization skills that can contribute to forging new, healthier relationships in the aftercare phase.



After leaving addiction treatment center in Abilene, clients are urged to continue their rehab treatment by participating in aftercare programs. These may include ongoing personal therapy with a professional addiction therapist, as well as group activities where people get together to socialize and continue learning new strategies to remain addiction-free. Although you will no longer be receiving treatment at addiction recovery facility in Abilene, the aftercare component of rehab is just as important as the previous stages of onsite treatment at Abilene addiction recovery center.


Following a strategic plan of rehab that includes steps like these has been shown to be especially effective for people struggling with addiction. Consider an approach like this one to overcome addiction and begin to live a healthier, more enjoyable and problem-free life without the pain and encumbrances of addiction. You can do it, addiction recovery center in Abilene, Texas can help.